Ten Curiosities We Never Ever Were Told About Coffee!
We have obviously more blogs on compostable coffee pods, coffee and coffee pods under Compostable Coffee Pods. Other meaningful materials on natural coffee capsules are for instance from leading media publishers, or Moving Beans or other sources. In addition read a pertinent blog on compostable coffee pods.
Next time you are at your preferred coffee bar and somebody catches your eye, here are ten interesting coffee curiosities that you can utilise to break the ice:
1) Coffee is thought to be an aphrodisiac. Due to the fact that it contains a high dosage of caffeine and other different alkaloids, research studies have revealed that coffee can increase endurance and the overall length of ... hm ... intimate encounters.
2) Although coffee has been a part of the Arab culture for many, many years, it did not enter into the western world up until the 1500s. Prior to that time, priests thought that coffee was a drink of the devil. Yes, devil! Pope Clement VIII lastly ended this line of believing by trying coffee and then giving it his true blessing. Amen!
3) Japan's main Coffee Day is October 1st. Yes, believe it or not, there is a country, and a heavily tea drinking country at that, which has an official coffee day. Is that to have their nationals work much more? We will never ever understand.
4) A single acre of coffee trees can give close to 10 thousand pounds of coffee beans. Once they are grated or hulled, there are still nearly 2 thousand pounds of coffee beans.
5) 49 out of 50 US states grow definitely no coffee. The only state that grows coffee beans is Hawaii. Is that to keep the sports surfers awake, we do question? When the Big Wave of your life is on the horizon, you don't want to be asleep.
Video: Sustainable and Compostable Coffee Pods by Moving Beans.
6) Germany is the 2nd largest coffee customer on the planet. Forty-three percent of Germans add sweetener to their coffee, while just twenty-seven percent of Americans (the primary customer of coffee) make use of any kind of sweetener in their coffee. Alright, this was more about sweetener than coffee but you get the idea.
7) The English word coffee is derived from the Latin word Coffea. Coffea is the Latin name for a genus of trees. In case you questioned, the word "genus" is a primary taxonomic classification that sits above types and listed below a family. Any smarter? Not sure but thank you Wikipedia.
8) Every single among the 53 countries that grows coffee lies along the equator, in between the tropic of Cancer and Capricorn. That provides us a good sign on what the perfect coffee growing weather requires to look like.
9) On average, people who acquire their coffee from drive-through windows prior to work will spend around forty-five hours every single year waiting in line for their coffee. That's what is called passion!
10) Petroleum is the only item that is traded more heavily than coffee. The quantity of coffee produced around the world is close to six million metric tonnes per annum.
The next time you drink coffee, or wish to begin a discussion about coffee or in general, you have a few facts to show off.
Moving Beans is a market challenger that has provided compostable coffee pods for a long time, with more information at the website of Moving Beans or on Compostable Coffee Pods. Or go through a pertinent blog on compostable coffee pods. Moving Beans was the first to make available aluminium-free coffee capsules.
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